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                  About Us - Company Introduction

                Shanghai Okeyi in accordance with the information technology co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai" according to the g) is the world famous digital software publishers - the American Autodesk software co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the Autodesk company) in China in the Shanghai area engineering construction (AEC) industry gold channel and professional service providers, plus one specializes in Autodesk product sales throughout the greater Shanghai area and training, consulting and other BIM related business and technical services.


                Autodesk co., LTD. (" Autodesk "or" Autodesk ") is the world's largest 2 d and 3 d design, engineering and entertainment software company, to manufacturing, engineering and construction industry, infrastructure and media entertainment industry to provide excellent digital design, engineering and entertainment software services and solutions.AutoCAD officially into the market since 1982, the special line for the most widely application field has developed a variety of design, engineering and entertainment software solutions, to help users experience their own ideas in front of the design into a finished product.


                Autodesk as a global pioneer in the field of computer aided design (CAD), since its inception 25 years ago, has made outstanding contributions to the industry.Our flagship AutoCAD and Revit software has become the pronoun of CAD technology, and design the necessary products in the world.Both industrial design and manufacturing, construction industry and the media entertainment, we all have a leading 3 d design solutions.Nowadays, we have become a leading global provider of 3 d design, engineering and entertainment software.



                In addition, Shanghai Okeyi information technology co., ltd. is also the gold agent of Twinmotion software in China, one of the world's well-known suppliers of architectural and engineering software solutions -- Bentley software company in the United States and internationally renowned interactive real-time BIM visualization software.
                This also makes Shanghai Okeyi information technology co., ltd. the only BIM product distributor and BIM service provider in mainland China that has the authorization of "Autodesk", "Bentley" and "Twinmotion", three famous international software manufacturers.



                Shanghai Okeyi as autodesk company in mainland China Shanghai partition gold channel distributors and BIM solution service provider, has been committed to by all members of professional and pioneering spirit, in view of the Shanghai area of the building design, engineering consultants, real estate development, automobile transportation, electric power, petrochemical, coking refining), machinery manufacturing, municipal facilities, roads and Bridges, rail transportation, channel of water conservancy and other industries and thorough understanding of market resources, with professional service and project outsourcing or consultant works, wholeheartedly for the Shanghai general engineering construction (AEC) industry, including users about "BIM value-added services, and collaborative operations", a series of advanced professional standardization of software products and quality services, to help China's construction industry users give full play to the information of 3 d design software, advanced technology and innovation advantage, improve enterprise's real design quality, improve the working efficiency of the enterprise and the core competitiveness of enterprises in the current market.


                Shanghai Okeyi co., LTD. 's sales area of products mainly covers the whole Shanghai region, including Chongming、Changxing and Hengsha,there three islands. At the same time Anhui and Xinjiang two major regions. Bentley's sales territory is national. BIM professional service areas, including training, consulting and solutions, are based in Shanghai and spread across the country. At present, the service footprint has spread all over Tianjin, Jinan, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Taiyuan, Xi 'an and other provinces and cities.